‘Soft Pants’ Sculpture at the Pig Rock Bothy

James Brown sang ‘you make the pants’ which is what participants were invited to do on a wet Saturday afternoon in November.

I ran the workshop as part of the 2015 Glasgow School of Art residency. The pants theme came about after a brief introduction to the Bothy. In the talk it was pointed out how part of the design of the Bothy has come to signify a pair of pants for the artist/architect team. This anecdote was the invite to transform the Bothy into a workshop of colourful pants for the day.

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Eduardo Paolozzi never understood the moment when people decide they are no longer a child. While Brian Eno has said that art is just a continuation of the child’s impulse to play but with an intellectual rigour that is arrived at through a developed brain.

After the experience of the “Soft Pants” sculpture workshop I can claim with some certainty that the distinction between childhood and adult is not definitive.

Sadly for me as all participants were allowed to take their creations home with them I now have no pants left!
