SUZANNE DERY & AMY CLAIRE HUESTIS: Self-Directed Residency, 2016

Lichen/ Arrow Rainbow/ River   Wood   Axe/ Green  Blue  Orange/ Yellow Crystal Moon Cloud/ Light  Picture    Fire    Cauldron/ Sauna    Water     Dishes   Matches/ Toilet Paper  Pee  Moss  Trees  Heather/ Witches  Juniper berries  Stars   Mountains



We see the rainbow ahead, then in the landscape

through striations and wondrous gradations.

Green always the constant neutral tone.

Soft green of moss, green so alive in trees,

plants, green green emerald lovely green

is the colour of Sue’s hair in the other

world.  A fuzz of emerald green surrounds her head,

her hair like glorious green wool.

Her cloak is green, and she is the colour

of living things.

The secret world of the maker unseen, unrevealed. Reflections in the pond and waters symmetry, as what is above is below. Is the bothy a space that holds many secret worlds of makers inside?OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA        






Gathering things, looking, noticing, gathering images, looking through glass. One looks through the coloured glass and afterward the head glows, A vibrant sensation. BLUE GLASS makes a Romantic image BLUE AND ORANGE GLASS even more so, moody , dark, twilight. ORANGE GLASS on green hill and water With white sky, dazzling gradation of colour.
Gathering things, looking, noticing,
gathering images, looking through glass.
One looks through the coloured glass and afterward the head glows,
A vibrant sensation.
BLUE GLASS makes a Romantic image
moody , dark, twilight.
ORANGE GLASS on green hill and water
With white sky, dazzling gradation of colour.















Right now I am thinking of

how I enjoy the silence

of our working time.

Each at ‘our’ desks.

Yes, I know this dark colour (glass + landscape) resembles the German Romantics, and oh cast on a ruin, one sees a historical impulse, though. But overriding this is the glue and definition of new things, a magical practice, a transformative practice. Simple coloured glass, so beautiful and pure, transforms the landscape. Pictures appear -- mind-pictures, captured pictures.
Yes, I know this dark colour (glass + landscape)
resembles the German Romantics,
and oh cast on a ruin, one sees a historical impulse, though.
But overriding this is the glue
and definition of new things,
a magical practice, a transformative practice.
Simple coloured glass, so beautiful and pure,
transforms the landscape.
Pictures appear — mind-pictures, captured pictures.

The only sounds

are scratching, movements

of making and the rain,

fire breath and wind.

The sun comes and goes

and the light of day guides

work time

and brings inspiration,

energy, imagination

and enchantment.

I will work with reflection

and form. As I finish

writing for now,

I look out

through the window to my

right ­

Our shrine for Venus

sits on a mound surrounded

by heather and grass

and the sun is shining on her.

The window sill holds crystals

of coloured glass and sheets

of these colours: indigo, yellow,

orange and light rose.

Moon shape, moon companion, appearing Always at the right moment coming going. Bright bodies of naked witches making Moon shadows, worshiping moon.
Moon shape, moon companion, appearing Always at the right moment coming going. Bright bodies of naked witches making Moon shadows, worshiping moon.


The sky cleared and the stars shimmered ­ millions, gazillions, clusters, constellations speaking. Later on the moon came back ­ so bright, so intense behind the veiny trees on the low horizon.
The sky cleared and the stars
shimmered ­
millions, gazillions,
clusters, constellations speaking.
Later on the moon came back ­
so bright, so intense behind
the veiny trees on the low horizon.












OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGathering lichen for a slide.

Maybe we

will be


And see the stag’s horns

or trees

or sea creatures



tiny kingdoms.

When the slide is

out in front of the lenses.

Something will be revealed

Something of wonder.





Thinking of last night…

We set up the magic lanterns

with our oil lamps, it took

Some fussing around to get

The distances right, the right wall

Space for our lighted work.

Magic lanterns lit with oil. Soft, demanding close looking. Gentle, flickering, yellow light. No sound, no wires. Intimate connection and physical closeness to picture. Play, soft place. Excitement, discoveries. Sue’s aesthetic and mine = frisson, vibrations.

It was dark, working by candle

light, but agreed this is a

wonderful, natural way to live

and with time as it is ­

As medium, material, substance.

There seems much synchronicity


every moment

intertwined to bring good










Our slides projected in the

hut on the wall space over

the bench in the kitchen

showed us the magic we

were making, a part of

and encountering. The

Candlelight, lamplight, firelight, starlight. Learning the gentle way of night with no electricity, The soothing time. Night for me is usually the time of anxiety, Fears creep in. Here it is fun!  Transitions between moon-light, Snow-light, candle-light. (Candle)

candle light was dim,

filled with warmth and good

energy…dancing with us.

Circles, triangles, crystals,

colours, drawings came to life!

Reflections multiplied as did

the forms. Geometry speaks

and informs itself and us.













Secret practices — how much will remain

secret from this place?

How much will we tell to others?

How much have we revealed  to each other?

Each day, I spend hours admiring Sue and her ways,

her strength, humour, voice.




Circles, triangles, crystals,

colours, drawings came to life!

Reflections multiplied as did

the forms. Geometry speaks

and informs itself and us.